Blog Post

Re-igniting your passion for your Business

February 3, 2022

I woke up this morning with dread in my heart...

The thought of another day with zero energy and desire to work on my Business was just so overwhelming. I wanted to curl up in a ball and hide from the world!

I climbed in the shower and just let the hot water run over me, hoping it would energize me; I slowly got ready for another grinding day, feeling deflated and lost.

This feeling of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm was a far cry from the early days of my Business.

When I started my Business, I had five employees. In the beginning, my ambition and my dreams were huge, and I had so much energy. I was ready to take on the world. In those days, you couldn’t keep me from working if you tried.

Now I was just tired. I was constantly stressed and envied those who had a job and a paycheck.

 I had 32 employees and had tripled the revenue, but it felt like I was working so that my staff could earn a salary. Frankly, where was the quality of life I envisioned for myself and my family?

If it wasn’t for fear of failure and my responsibility to my family, I think I could have laid in bed for a month. This Business that I once loved I now disliked immensely!

Eventually, I could take back control and rekindle my passion for my Business, but it required change, and it wasn’t easy! The things that are worth it never are!

If you feel burnt out from your Business, here are four tips to take back control and rekindle your PASSION for your Business:

  1. Get a mentor / Business coach! It’s the first thing I did. It is great having someone to turn to when things get rough. Someone to strategize with, someone to hold you accountable, and someone to push you. Someone who was once where you are now. Someone who learned the secret to success – and is willing to share it with you! Don’t wait to find that person now!
  2. Never stop learning. You thought you knew how to run a business now; you are unsure! Learning must never stop. Whether it is books, podcasts, conferences, or coaching, we must always learn and grow. Business is constantly changing and evolving; only through continuous learning can you stay ahead of the game.
  3. Rediscover your why. Your why is the driving force behind passion and action. The why behind your Business needs to be one hundred percent you. Simon Sinek said people don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. We often forget why we are in Business and get focused on the struggle of the day and the remedial tasks we are working on. Remember why to re-ignite your passion.
  4. Involve your team! It’s your dream and your team. But that doesn’t mean you have to carry the ball alone. Share your dream and your vision with your team. Delegating some of your tasks to the team will make them feel empowered and more critical – and you’ll be able to focus on the big-picture that matters rather than the daily grind.

It is time to take back control, eliminate the cause and start working towards achieving the full potential you envisioned for yourself and your Business. 

You are ready for this, and I will be there with you every step of the way because I understand what it takes.

 To find out more about how I can help you email me at and book a 30min Zoom call.



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